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YILNAC Network advocates for strengthening the food security of young people and indigenous women by learning about the cultivation and processing of maize

Publié le 19/05/2023 - Catégorie: Générale ...

The goal of the project is to bring together young people and indigenous women around the production and processing of agricultural foodstuffs to fight against malnutrition and improve their incomes in order to ensure their food security and their autonomy.

The project will be based on the community nature of land resources in traditional Aboriginal culture, on the collective dynamics of work (gathering, hunting, fishing) and on the role of traditional chiefs in organizing the acquisition of cultivation areas.

Traditional indigenous seed saving techniques will be used to build a reserve and promote sharing within the community.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Support the training of project beneficiaries in the issue of reducing food vulnerability in their context, through learning techniques for the production and processing of maize and other agricultural commodities;
  • Accentuate the culture of bringing together young people and indigenous women in their grassroots local organizations.


Activities carried out in December 2022